Friday, September 16, 2005

BillG on ORCL-SEBL :-)

Larry (Ellison) forecast big consolidation, and he wanted to see that come true, so he's making it come true. It's a brilliant forecast. If the next three people under you don't write code but they do deals, what do you get? You get deals. They will probably do more deals than anybody, and we'll write more code than anybody.

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At 12:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm no big fan of Larry myself, but din't see anything funny in the comment, thought BillG made a clown of himself there. What does he mean by comparing writing codes to winning deals? They may make tons of money, write million lines of code (which they keep with themselves), doesn't make me respect them one bit. They suck...

At 4:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you consider software a business, more if you are software engineer, then it's easy to understand what respect MS/BillG deserves. Business means profit revenues and I guess that's what Bill makes. I consider BillG to be "the man of innovation" who revolutionized the world and created business & employment opportunities for trillions of people. Had there not been the great business mind inside Gates, companies who are trying to spoil the business sense by "showing" that they give "Free" / "Open" software could have gone ahead MS a decade back. These cos got 20+ years to prove themselves and still they are nowhere ... Why are they not? Answer explains many other answers.

Can one believe that a person charging loads of money is still a winner over the one giving everything for free for years:-)

At 4:15 AM, Blogger Arvind Kumar Mishra said...

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