Friday, March 11, 2005

Blogging or social service?

Why Blogging???

<>Saw this:

This URL just makes it so simple to understand why blogging is this important to future business. After all "Information" is the key!!! And, bloggers are simply providing this "HUGE" amount of information available on internet at their own cost in terms of time, bandwidth and energy. What they may get in turn: some satisfaction... some search engine showing their name... and of course time pass. Yeah, bloggers are providing you their invaluable experiences so openly!!! You get it all and get it free forever :-)

Corporation level blogs are needed not only to reach to customers but also to have a safe store of all individual's thoughts. <>Personal blogs are all going to help search engine providers to get the maximum information available on internet.

So when you blog next time, feel that it’s not just to give you the satisfaction of expressing yourself but it is your contribution in social services. You are helping many businesses to grow. You are providing innovative cool ideas to many future inventors! Oh, you might be one of the obscure base granules of googlezone! Who says the world is becoming selfish :-)

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At 5:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice read dude!


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