Monday, April 25, 2005

Ten ways to gaze human behavioral patterns!

In the most complicated world today, certain things have become easier to judge e.g. judging behavioral characteristics of a person. Apart from the old ways of looks & language, it's now easy to judge a person with 10 modernized patterns:

1. Cell-Phone / Car Model
2. Photo album (mainly in cell-phone)
3. Wall-Paper and Screen Savers
4. Driving Style
5. IM Lingo
6. Favorite Cuisine
7. Personal Email Ids
8. Email Writing
9. Poses in separate pictures
10. Stripes in shirt

This blog-entry consists of absolutely my own thoughts without any reference or influence. The entry is resulting from my psychological interests and experiences.

Though I do not take the claim for above to be correct in all circumstances, I retain all rights on my thoughts for past 5 years.

I would love to see if this works for someone else as well. It’s been working very well for many a ones, I know 

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