Saturday, October 01, 2005

How Full Is Your Bucket!

My favourite excerpt:

In another case, we asked Kristin, a management consultant, "What is the greatest recognition you have ever received?" Her answer: "Three words in an e-mail." We then found out that when Kristin's mother passed away, a mentor at work whom Kristin had admired throughout her career wrote her a special note. Her mentor's e-mail concluded by saying: "Your mother was very proud of you, and so am I." After 25 years with her company, three simple words carried more meaning than any other recognition Kristin had received in her entire life.

Highly Recommended Audio Experts from the book read by Tom Rath:
* The Theory of the Dipper and the Bucket
* Bucket Filling In Organizations
* Tom's Story (1)
* Tom's Story (2)

The Positive Impact Test

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