Thursday, January 07, 2010

Men are from Mars and Women are from *$#@:%$#@

whoever says Venus, should be the God of behavioral science. To me the planet where women are from, is yet to be discovered and the signs & symptoms are yet to be understood. To me woman is the universal magic which is everywhere and yet more complex than complex numbers, more abstract than abstract algebra and more cryptic than any cryptographic algo. Every time someone asks what’s the latest non-work related challenge you are working on, I have to think of an answerable answer but natural instinct promptly pass me name of some woman :-). Not to say I love challenges and hence waste some time like this. Lots of fun – for sure :-)

PS: This blog is inspired from an event that happened yesterday.

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Saturday, January 02, 2010

Amir proves again why he isn't worth the "King Khan" title

As much as liked the movie called 3 idiots, once again I didn't like Amir Khan's behaviour. Vidhu Vinod Chopra is no public celebrity so it was no surprise to see him behaving badly at the media person but Amir is expected to maintain his dignity as a celebrity, as an actor and as a perfectionist instead of saving VVC.

I believe anyone who has read Chetan Bhagat's FPS, will accept that 3 idiots is "highly" influenced by FPS. Main story line, characters, places of shooting (simple example of drinking at roof top), family background of all characters in the movie is just the same as in FPS but Amir says "3 idiots is an original storyline" -funny. I still remember the news headline few months back where news channel introduced 3 idiots as a movie being made baesd on FPS - wonder why someone can't show those news clips to VVC / Amir.

No wonder this is a publicity stunt by Amir & VVC, may be including Chetan Bhagat himself to promote his book but sounds pretty cheap isn't it.

Anyways whatever it is, as a "mango person" (aka common person aka aam janta) it makes me believe more strongly that SRK is a better "human" than Amir and Amir really has lots of genuine reasons to avoid any public appearances - he really just can't handle tough questions during public speaking...

King Khan remains the King Khan!!

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