Sunday, September 18, 2005 ...

Thanks for asking me more on So, here it is. It's not an ordinary web-site it's a whole new world inside.

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Friday, September 16, 2005

BillG on ORCL-SEBL :-)

Larry (Ellison) forecast big consolidation, and he wanted to see that come true, so he's making it come true. It's a brilliant forecast. If the next three people under you don't write code but they do deals, what do you get? You get deals. They will probably do more deals than anybody, and we'll write more code than anybody.

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Monday, September 12, 2005

Starring starter...

Found the interesting starter ... It's addictive!!

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I too hate monday!!!!!!!!

Still I would rather pretend to sleep on Monday morning than doing this... :-)

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