Tanu Mutreja : Blogs...
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Monday, April 25, 2005
Ten ways to gaze human behavioral patterns!
In the most complicated world today, certain things have become easier to judge e.g. judging behavioral characteristics of a person. Apart from the old ways of looks & language, it's now easy to judge a person with 10 modernized patterns:
1. Cell-Phone / Car Model
2. Photo album (mainly in cell-phone)
3. Wall-Paper and Screen Savers
4. Driving Style
5. IM Lingo
6. Favorite Cuisine
7. Personal Email Ids
8. Email Writing
9. Poses in separate pictures
10. Stripes in shirt
This blog-entry consists of absolutely my own thoughts without any reference or influence. The entry is resulting from my psychological interests and experiences.
Though I do not take the claim for above to be correct in all circumstances, I retain all rights on my thoughts for past 5 years.
I would love to see if this works for someone else as well. It’s been working very well for many a ones, I know
Sunday, April 24, 2005
To my dear "CC"
Today I remember you again my dear CC...
She is the one person who came to my life with a reason but just for a season. We were competitors for rest of the world and she was always on leading edge but she was the only person who always motivated me to compete against her harder 'n' harder.
One fine day, she came to my hostel and directly to my room, she knocked the door and there I see her standing with a book. She says, "I liked this book (The Power of Self-Motivation) and bought it for you long time back. I thought if I give it to you just like that, you might take it otherwise. So I waited and today I found the right time for it. Take it Dear on your B'day!” She says, "I know we have been competing and you are lacking because things are new for you and I have read most of it already, but I have seen you working hard. I know you just need something else than hard-work and this is what I think you need. Please take it..."
First, she knowing my b-day was unusual, second she buying a book for me and then... traveling 25 kms on a holiday just to give that to me on my B’Day... It was all beyond my normal belief in people.
I was in tears but that was much less for the genuine feeling she came with. In this world of selfish people, I am pleased to know her. I'm sure she would have forgotten me by now because this action was nothing un-usual of her. She has been doing such *simple* great tasks, probably for years. She used to stay 25 kms away from hostel and still, she took time to spend in explaining me all the things that were new to me. She used to stay in my hostel to clear my doubts and helped me in many more ways. And yes, at the end I was so pleased with her success. She was ahead of me and I was so happy that she removed the gap between our positions. I was just behind her.
She is a very special person and I do want to keep her in my good books... ALWAYS...
And dear, the more I experience this world, the more I realize your worth!

Monday, April 18, 2005
Thursday, April 07, 2005
Robin S. Sharma
Robin Sharma: Robin S. Sharma, an internationally respected authority on leadership, change, personal effectiveness and life management and one of North America's most electrifying professional speakers. The guy is an author of some world renowned best sellers like "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari"
His alchemical introductory videao clip is amazing! Truly enjoyed it!!
Some quotes that he makes in the video becomes more effective with the way his quotes them:
*Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live. (by Norman Cousins)
* Success is important, significance is even better!
* Blaming others is nothing more than excusing ourselves!
* As per research, a man on death-bed asks himself three questions:
Have I lived wisely?
Have I loved well?
Have I served greatly?
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Welcome to the homepage of I2TECH
I2Tech 2005, IITD's Open House is being organised on Saturday, April 23, 2005. The aim of the openhouse is to showcase the "hi-tech" research and project activities going on at IIT Delhi to industry professionals, alumni and prospective graduate students. The event will be open to all and distinguished guests will also be invited from industry and other Universities.
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Zaheer khan & his fan episode on field :-)
For those who missed this interesting 2 minutes in the recently concluded test match between India & Pakistan.
FoosBall: Our Latest Craze!
I always thought of putting it here only when I win all games I play through-out the day and today was the day. FoosBall is nice game of hand movements perfectly simulated with concentration. The only problem is addiction! It's so very addictive that I forget all measures of time :-(
In India this game is not very popular yet. I'm sure this game is interesting enough to make a successful presence anywhere. The game requires 2 to 4 players (I feel 4 players mode is better one). Game requires players to use their figures to pass and shoot the ball into their opponent’s goal while blocking the ball from going into their own goal. A player serves (foos) it, passes it and tries to score. One always shoots to the right.
Rules: Foosball rules can be simple or they can be complicated.
-The simple rules would be: Hit the ball into the goal. Your goal is on the left, you try to score to the right.
-More advanced rules would include: No spinning. If you score, the other team serves. Be polite, no swearing.
Some people are inherently good at attacking and some are better at defending the goals. The force in your figures always helps. More practice for targeting angular shots helps as well.
Interesting game with decent amount of physical and mental exercise!
Microsoft Journey!
My company made such a terrific entry to global business much before I was born :-)
Microsoft, The Company.